Plumbing Services

mascot standing next to broken toilet

We members of the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering. Allowing us to provide a professional and high quality service to our customers.

  • iphe certification

  • Plumbing Services Wirral

    We are members of chartered institute of plumbing and heating engineering for over 25 years and our customers can be assured of our technical expertise, knowledge and experience. We cover a comprehensive range of plumbing works and we have no call out charge. All our works are covered by a 5-year workmanship guarantee leaving you safe in the knowledge you have engaged a plumbing/heating professional who is bound by a code of professional standards.

    • Emergency leaks, bursts and general plumbing repairs.
    • Replacement sanitary ware – basins, bidets and W.C’s
    • Licensed/Installers of unvented hot water systems.

    Ring Natalie or Kim to make an appointment today on 0151 625 2933

    Have an enquiry?

    Contact us today to talk about your project or to ask us a question
    100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed.
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